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The New SAT

The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is an American standardized test
used as part of the criteria for admission to colleges and
universities. There’s a new one for 2005 and MSN has a sample test made
up of 8 math questions — how would you fare?

I got a perfect score using only a piece of scrap paper to keep track of the addends and subtrahend in question 6.

6 replies on “The New SAT”

Six of eight, not bad, considering I’ve forgotten everything I learned after geometry. If indeed I learned any of it. I didn’t do my Princeton Review techniques as well as I should have I guess (I took a class and then taught them for five years!!) but that was all before they made the math difficult at all. I got a 760 math in high school, before recentering (when they updated the scoring – making it easier – so 1000 total was actually average again, to simplify). I am a true believer in “SAT scores only tell you how well you take the SAT.”

Everything correct WITHOUT scrap paper!
It was easier than the GRE. Actually, no, the math part of the GRE was pretty easy too.

I got 6 out of 8, only used a calculator for one. Considering I got a D in higher level Maths in my Leaving Cert (equivalent to A-Level Maths in Britain) four years ago, that Maths was my worst subject, and that I haven’t gone near it since (excepting the logical algebra I used in philosophy at uni), doesn’t that kind of reflect badly on the quality of the American education system?

Either you guys are *really* bad at math, or they’ve change the page, because there are only 7 questions there now, not 8. 🙂 I got 7/7 myself without a calculator or even scrap paper, but then I’ve always found highschool math to be quite easy. Now integration? I’m more than a little rusty 😉

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