
Shanah Tovah!

It’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. Shanah Tovah to all my Jewish readers, especially The Redhead!

What better way to commemorate the holiday on this rather earthy blog (see definitions 3 and 4 of the word) than to show you this week’s Shabot 6000 comic?

Like me, it’s so very wrong and so very funny! Don’t show this to your rabbi. Trust me on this one.

14 replies on “Shanah Tovah!”

For those in the know, please note that the title of this comic, on its home site, is “Rosh.”

Look it up. 😉

Thanks, Joey!

L’shanah tovah, everyone!

happy new year, etc.

why am i here? ’cause i read a really badly written article about this blog in np, a couple of weeks ago and i thought i’ll check it out. i thought that whoever wrote that article was either drunk or on crack but my curiosity was definitely tickled (well written as well as badly written articles will do that to you). it’s been very difficult to refrain from commenting on the blog itself so i decided to create an account, etc. because i can’t help wanting to comment any longer!

i am really sorry but what’s the big fucking deal with this blog?

it’s all scrambled up, it’s really not funny. it’s boring. helplessly boring. i have a feeling it’s written entirely for the big girl with glasses. you have a responsibility with this blog, buddy. make it better. you got your plug, you’re a public figure, you apparently got a job because of this blog. so. live. up. to. the. expectation already!

here’s a blog that’s really fantastic

Hey, if this blog isn’t to your taste, there are over 3 million other blogs (according to Technorati). Lots of people, making for about a quarter-million poageviews a month — find it funny, informative and entertaining.

As for whom this blog written for, it’s primarily for the big guy with the accordion.

Jason, I presume? comment spam? very uncool dude.

oooookaaay. Back on topic. This Gentile pleads ignorance on this comic, but I’d like to understand it. Would you offer a cultural hint for the less clueless like me? Thanks, Joey!

~~Charles no longer by the Charles

go to the main site for the comic and click the “explain” button; it will show you the “tips” that come with each comic.

Although a goy, I must say those are mighty funny!

Joey: you’re way too diplomatic.

Jason, you hack. How original, a blog about sports and drinking. That’s one to tell your grandkids about. Oh, wait… you’ll probably never actually procreate, which is why you’re so angry about Joey actually being involved with someone special. It’s all fine and good to criticize, but it takes work to churn out the original content (and not just on this blog; he does it for work, too), and all I see on your teh aw3s0me bl0g is rehashed ESPN writeups. Go crawl back into your troll hole.

P.S. How many Bloggie awards nominations do *you* have? Thought so…

Thanks for the reply, Joey, and thank you for the tip, Michael. I’m with you. AFAIK I don’t have a drop of Jewish blood in me, but I get a big kick out of the Shabot all the same!

By the way, Einstein, you don’t need to register in order to comment (which I’m proving right now). In addition, you clearly screwed up your registration anyhow since there’s no name associated with your comment — just a big fat “?” which somehow seems appropriate…

“…tell your grandkids about.” — > Hi grandkids. I used to have a blog. YES. Really! When I was your age I had a blog. YES. YES I DID. And. And I got an award nomination for it. A real, virtual award for my BLOG. YES.

“…someone special.” —> enough said

“original content” —> more commentary on crappy columnists please.

You’re so CLEVER, anonymous moron guy! Gosh, I admire how you can insult us so masterfully.

Incidentally, I’m not all that big, except for my magnificent rack.

Wendy: You made me almost short out my laptop spitting out coffee. I keep picturing you as a reindeer. I’ll be grinning all day from that one. Thanks! Ya know, you and Joey should expect jealous trolls. Didn’t you know it wouldn’t be easy being the girl with the big “glasses” dating the guy with the big “accordion?”

I feel bad for Mr. ?. We really should do the friend thing and tell him about Enzyte, don’t you think? Rock on, you two. You make us romantic geeks proud!

Where are the awards for online romances?

~~Charles no longer by the Charles

“…tell your grandkids about.” — > Hi grandkids. I used to have a blog. YES. Really! When I was your age I had a blog. YES. YES I DID. And. And I got an award nomination for it. A real, virtual award for my BLOG. YES. “…someone special.” —> enough said “original content” —> more commentary on crappy columnists please.

“Oh yes, and when I was your age, I used to post snarky comments about blogs. And I’d do it anonymously! It’s true, I swear it.

Then we’d dial random phone numbers and ask if their refrigerator was running. Or we’d call bars and ask them to page ‘Mike Hunt'”

Guess it doesn’t get any better than that for you, does it?

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