Categories: Music

Rejected Wedding Song #1


I thought it would be really cool if we played Lalo Schifrin’s excellent Theme from “Enter the Dragon” [2.9MB MP3] as either the wedding march or when the wedding party enters the dining room. I suspect that it will get voted down by everybody but me, even if I use my most compelling argument: “But dude, it’s Bruce!

Joey deVilla

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  • Awesome! You gotta love that 70's waka-chicka guitar! If they won't go for that, how about "Rhythm of the Night" by DeBarge, a song that appeared in The Last Dragon. Or are they just not big on the whole "kung-fu movie anthem" thing?

  • Best worst song I've heard for a wedding: the Stormtrooper marching theme from Star Wars as the couple entered the reception. I don't think they even lasted the year...

  • When I was editing my brother's wedding video I was using the usual music for the entrance part - Going To The Chapel by the Dixie Cups. I was going out of my mind listening to it. When I was finished I couldn't helping thinking about using the theme from Patton. So I inserted it and was amazed it matched perfectly to the visuals. My brother loved it. His wife was less then amused.

    Otherwise I'm thinking... the Klingon entrance music from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Still, how can you compete with Bruce?


  • Anybody got a download to THAT? I'd love to get StormTrooper marching theme music...

    But for Accordion Guy, how can he go with anything else but accordion music? The song that sound great on accordion goes something like "oh, how we danced / on the night / we were wed ... " There is a lot of beautiful accordion music out there, waltzes and polkas, my father and uncle both play.

  • hey! congrats on getting "Best Local Blog" in This week's "Annual Reader's Choice" issue of EYE Magazine! Woo hoo!

  • Hey, if someone objects, just say "You have offended my family and you have offended the Shaolin Temple."

    And while we're on this amazingly awesome subject, be sure to check out the Bruce Lee Ultra-Interactive Kung Fu Mixer "I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives"

    "Never take your eyes off your opponent... even when you bow."

  • I attended the wedding of two friends this past summer, and their recessional music was the triumphant theme from Peter Jackson's "Return of the King."

    It made a lovely recessional, actually, and every geek in the room was whooping and applauding. The parents probably just thought we were happy to see them married, which we were. :-)

  • We had two entrance music themes. The Men entered with James Brown's "Super Bad". We were wearing super-fly velvet pimp hats. We did Temptations coordinated moves to amuse ourselves whilst waiting for the Bride to officially arrive and finish the photo shoot on the lawn.

    The Bride and her entourage entered to some kind of "Masterpiece Theatre" music, some kind of very haughty trumpet processsional. IIRC it has some historical significance to the house of Windsor. Something like that.

    As the Bride was 6 months pregnant at the time, a friend walked her down the aisle holding an enormous antique shotgun.

    After the "ceremony", there was no recessional music (oversight, we forgot). But after we filtered out for post-wedding group photos, I remembered to run back in and put on the Aquabats "Tiny Pants".

    Then the bellydancers arrived.

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