Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Blogger Christmas/Chanukah/Festivus Party Wrap-Up and Photos!

Photo: Profile view (keyboard side) of Joey playing accordion at the GTABloggers Holiday Party.

Nothing livens up a party like a suave, snappy dresser with an accordion!

Last night’s party was a success — with the comings and goings

throughout the night, I’d estimate about 60 or so people showed up

(still big enough to warrant the traditon of filling the bathtub with

ice), many of whom were totally or relatively new Greater Toronto Area Bloggers (a.k.a. GTABloggers)

gatherings. We wnet all multimedia this year — not only was my

PowerBook doing musical duty in the dining room/accordion stage, but

Rannie’s PowerBook and an LCD project were set up in the living room

showing the Toronto Area Photobloggers’ excellent work.

It was a great intersection of three different local blogging groups:

not just the GTABloggers, but the Toronto Area Photobloggers and the

Toronto-and-area LiveJournal contingent (and yes, the “Did you hear

about the LiveJournal girl in Alaska who killed her mom?” conversation

ensued at one point).

The Phineas Fogg award for the guest who travelled the longest distance to attend the party goes to the lovely and talented Min Jung Kim, who came from San Francisco the hard way: flying to Detroit to visit friends and family, then driving to Accordion City. She also had her first taste of icewine last night, and I think we’ve ruined all other dessert wines for her.

My thanks to everyone who came, everyone who brought food (great food,

too!), everyone who helped set up and clean up and especially Rannie,

who is the heart and soul of the GTABloggers.

The first batch of photos have been posted on the GTABloggers blog; you can check out the photo album in either album or slideshow form.

5 replies on “Blogger Christmas/Chanukah/Festivus Party Wrap-Up and Photos!”

Well thanks for hosting the party, it was a lot of fun. And I enjoyed singing La Bamba in karaoke (and No Tengo Dinero also with you, even if we did it a capella).

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