I’m sure that most of the drivers on the streets of Accordion City

have driven in winter before. Hence my loss to explain why the first

snowfall of the year causes a number of them to drive like a drunk

rookie. This morning, in the short distance which I bike to work, I saw two cars go into power skids and one spin out.

Be careful out there!

Joey deVilla

View Comments

  • You bike to work in the snow? Wow. That's so cool! I bike to work too but in Vancouver, where it never snows.

    -- Sarah

  • It's amazing.

    My wife spent four hours on the highway this morning trying to get in to work (normally takes about a half hour). She didn't make it. Had to bail and come back home. She saw a spin out every couple of kilometers.

    Crazy! People are acting like this is first frost in Vancouver or something.

  • Back when I was stationed at Fort Lee in southern Virginia, where there was actually an inch or two of snow on the ground for about three weeks out of the year, I found myself driving up towards Baltimore the morning after an ice storm. Early morning, before the ice on the road had been scraped off or salted away.

    First time I'd ever driven on ice. Very interesting experience. At the first stoplight in Petersburg, I gently pressed on the brakes to stop for the red light...

    ...and sailed right on through the intersection. I don't think I lost more than a mile or two of mph.

    Fortunately, I was the only person stupid enough to be on the road that morning.

    -- Bruce A.

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