It Happened to Me

Dad Update

Thanks to everyone who left a comment or emailed me about Dad’s being in the hospital. He’s doing much better now and he expects to be sent home from the hospital on Friday.

I was surprised at the number of folks who wrote in defense of People and US

magazines. I suppose that everyone’s got his or her own favourite brain candy. I’m no different: I

myself prefer comic books and have recently been enjoying the set of

old-school Dungeons and Dragons manuals that David “This Boy is Toast” Petite gave to me for my birthday.

When I visited Dad yesterday, he said to me: “I don’t really want

magazines. What I really want is some light entertainment on TV. I want

to watch Oprah and Dr. Phil.”

I sighed, pulled a twenty from my wallet and put in an order for an

in-room TV. Dad’s always been there for me, and if he’s bored stiff in

a hospital room and hankering for daytime TV, I’m going to make sure he

gets some.

I hope he at least tunes in to Law and Order at least once in a while.

5 replies on “Dad Update”

Joey — Glad to hear that dad is doing better. Give him Marlene and my regards and best wishes.

Andy was a Dungeons and Dragons addict for awhile in his “youth”.

What do you mean you don’t look Jewish?


Joey, all of us here at the Thursday night blog group at the Berkman Center have you and your family in our thoughts. j

TVs aren’t standard equipment in hospital rooms? They have been whenever I visited someone in the States…another interesting cultural difference.

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