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The Skillz to Man the Grillz (Part 2 of the “Hamburgers” Series) [Updated]

With the rise of cheap videocasettes and VCRs in the 1980s came the rise of the training and educational videos. I remember that the one for Kelly (the temp agency) was mildly if unintentionally amusing and the “How to play synths” one by the keyboard player for the Dungeons-and-Dragions-rock band Dio was downright hilarious. However, since I’m riffing on a hamburger theme, allow me to present this Wendy’s training video, in which you, the neophyte burger-slinger get mad burger science dropped on you — 1985 rap style!

Update – June 12, 2006: I once included the video with this entry, but I’ve recently received a “cease and desist” letter from Wendy’s You’ll just have to imagine what it’s like now.

If you’re hoping to see Dave Thomas do a walk-on cameo and breakdance, you will be disappointed. I believe this was before the era when he started appearing on the commercials. One would at least think that the “Where’s the Beef?” lady would do a quick rap Wedding Singer-style, but alas, it was not to be.

Still, it’s an entertaining video, and if it helps you make better hamburgers on your own grill, so much the better.

Joey deVilla

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