
Just Be Thankful It’s Not Stallman Posing

A lot of Open Source projects are copies of popular Microsoft products. Miguel de Icaza, Open Source alpha geek and creator of the GNOME desktop for Linux, continues this tradition by striking sexy poses Bill Gates-style. I added (in)appropriate captions below the photos; ask your geek friends if you don’t get the jokes.

(If you want to see these photos in their full glory at their original sizes, you’ll want to see this entry in Nat Friedman’s blog — follow the link and scroll down.)

Photo: Miguel strikes a Sexy Bill Gates pose (1 of 3).

“Some guys will just give you mono. I created Mono, baby!”

Photo: Miguel strikes a Sexy Bill Gates

  pose (2 of 3).

“Open Source is about programmers ‘scratching an itch.’ I’ve got a very personal itch I’d love you to scratch…”

Photo: Miguel strikes a Sexy Bill Gates

  pose (3 of 3).

“Open Source software is like sex in a committed relationship: you only think you’re not paying for it.”

5 replies on “Just Be Thankful It’s Not Stallman Posing”

Perhaps he set the icon size to “extra-huge” just for the photo.


And thank you for not pointing out how much of a loser geek I am that I actually checked out Miguel’s desktop.

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