Over on The Farm: an article on some interesting uses for Flickr — keeping tabs on how high-tech companies are doing and finding power outlets and wifi in airports.
Funny Flickr tag of the day: weed.
- “I like to puff a blunt to “loosen up” for a long drive, man.”
- “My kung-fu is better than your…oh, dude, are those Doritos?”
- “I smoke because it makes me photogenic!”
- Wasn’t this a scene from Harold and Kumar?
- A poster you won’t see at Successories.
- Bubbie!
- They’ve been turning down the lights in the bathrooms of some Toronto
clubs to discourage people from snorting coke in the washroom stalls.
The cokeheads countered by snorting off the backlit screens of their
PDAs. Apparently, potheads are finding similar uses for cellphones.
One reply on “The Street Finds Its Own Uses for Flickr”
Never underestimate the ingenuity of cokeheads. Those people will find a cure for cancer one day if it will help them hoover more blow.