It Happened to Me

Five Reasons to Vote for Accordion Guy for "Best Canadian Blog" in the 2005 Bloggies

Voting on the 2005 Bloggies

closes on Thursday, February 3rd at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

(that’s GMT-5). If you enjoy this blog, please vote for it for “Best

Canadian Blog”!

And now the five reasons — five particularly well-received entries from 2004:

  • Christine on the Secret Swing

    story that ended up on Boing Boing, leading to MuchMusic and the Globe

    and Mail contacting me about its location and subsequently doing

    stories on it.

  • Must-Know Canadian Tunes?

    which I ask for readers’ help to suggest pop/rock songs that are part

    of the Canadian experience that my love fiancee, who is American, may

    not have heard..

  • The Breakup Style of PowerPoint
    We spend at least 40 hours a week at work — surely some office culture has seeped into unexpected places in our lives.
  • Quite Possibly the First Time the Word “Blog” was Used in Comics

    teenaged Spider-Man was a pretty angsty guy — I’m sure he’d have had a

    LiveJournal — but the credit goes to Superman for what was possibly

    the first time the word “blog” was used in comics.

  • Almost 30 Years Later, and I Still Don’t Belong

    which an extremely right-wing writer gets up my nose about who’s really

    Canadian and who’s not. It aslo gave rise to this button, which got

    bandied about a lot more than I thought it ever would:

    Banner: My Canada includes Accordion Guy

    It doesn’t get any more Canadian than this!

Please vote, and thank you for your support!

One reply on “Five Reasons to Vote for Accordion Guy for "Best Canadian Blog" in the 2005 Bloggies”

Did you ever come up with a CD of the need-to-know Canadian songs? Because I’d love to have a copy of that, particularly if Mona Lisa made the cut, because I can’t find that anywhere.

— Lara

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