
Buy Lizvang’s Jewellery!

Lizvang writes:

I’m selling off some of my glass and hematite jewellery that I’ve

made in hopes of earning some cash to go towards bills I can’t pay at

the moment. Please e.mail me at to make a bid for the piece you would like.

The set comes with necklace and matching earrings and as I said before, they are all handmade by me, myself and I.

Click thumbnail to view larger.

Photo: Lizvang's green jewellery for sale. Photo: Lizvang's hematite jewellery for sale.

Photo: Lizvang's pink jewellery for sale. Photo: Lizvang's red jewellery for sale.

Buy her stuff and give her a hand!

(Remember, boys, Valentine’s Day is coming soon…)

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