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Happy Birthday, Deenster!

Deenster turns thirty-two today. She’s doing a little reflecting, saying that “every passage of time reflected on involves re-imagining the person you want to be.”

I think I can help in that department. You see, Gentle Reader, Deenster has long had a fear of Mr. David Hasselhoff, star of Knight Rider and Baywatch and rock idol in Germany (I don’t understand it either; perhaps it’s sort of like that thing the French have for Jerry Lewis).

Deenster, how can you fear this man? Without him, we wouldn’t have “Legolas” from the Lord of the Rings movies! We’d still have communism!  You shouldn’t fear this man; you should welcome him into your heart.

Deenster, Gary, K.I.T.T. and David. This has “sitcom” written all over it.

So, for your birthday, I present to you a cure for your fear. Confront that demon, Deenster: click this link [may not be safe for work — Speedo zoom-in action] and face the Inifinite Hasselhoff Recursion until he scares you no more.

Happy Birthday, Deenster!

Joey deVilla

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  • Nooooooooooo! Joey, you know i am hassaphobic (though I hear his song "hot shot city" is particularly good). Thanks for the b-day wish!



  • hey, Joey, somebody told me R.Smith shat all over blogs (again!) in his column last week. I dunno, I don't read that crap but just wanted to let you know.

    Keep up the good work, Joey, we love you!!!

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