Have you ever used the word “boner” mean “an embarassing mistake” rather than “manifestation of male sexual arousal”? I haven’t, but the writers at DC Comics have — in fact, they devoted an entire issue of Batman to boners!
As a follow-up to yesterday’s post about Burns Night, here’s another poem from Robert Burns…
It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for another “picdump!” Here are 136 memes, pictures, and cartoons floating around…
Here’s the main course for dinner tonight... ...and that’s because it’s January 25th today, making…
My friends in my old home town, Toronto, won’t find Tampa’s current temperatures cold, but…
Clearly, I missed out by not watching the director’s cut of Jerry Maguire! But seriously —…
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Hi Dad.
(I'm just SAYING, Joey...)
ok, so i know it's some sort of in-joke between the two of you all, and i'm sure it's harmless and such, and in-jokes between people are one of those great intimacies of any good, solid relationship...
but "Hi Dad" as a comment to the boner post just seems a little weird...
I'm just SAYING...
More explicitly, Anonymous, I am noting to Joey once again that my dad reads his blog; when Joey posts about penises, etc., I tend to blush at that thought.
Was that good for you?
you said boner huh huh huh huh heh huh heh huh
Ah, right... ok, i get it now... Thanks Red.
Hey The Redhead's Dad... at least your daughter blushes at this sort of thing, so, you know, as far as raising her right and respectable and such, good job there.
Joey, maybe a Dad-Safe site that is free from the boner stuff? and then a regular site for the rest of us... or perhaps someone out there can write some sort of boner-post filter plug-in (Hah!) for her dad's browser?
As a side note, I gotta get me one o' them accounts here soon so i can be referred to as something other than Anonymous...
Now let's all say Fide.
Fide, Fide, Fide.
There, that's a Boner Fide porn quote now ;-)
Stu Savory
Actually, I think I had that issue back when I bought DC Comics. . . .
This picture seems perfect for Rasterbation...
Fa-eed or Fee-day?
Which reminds me, according to my understanding of the best current understanding of classical Latin phonology, "Julius Ceasar" is pronounced "hu-lee-us chee-zar", and "Veni, vedi, vici" is best rendered "Wee-nee, wee-dee, wee-chee".
My motivations in posting this are entirely wee-nal.
As a child my grandmother gave me a book entitled "Press Boners", which was quite aged for a paperback, being acid paper. It was replete with n-ary entendres, but the title was not thus intended, I think.
It would be fascinating to understand the real history of this word. It is a particularly quaint sort of vulgarism. Perhaps the nearest symmetric equivalent, in terms of quaintness, is "nookie". I do love that word, "nookie".