Here’s a treat for you Star Wars fans: The Continuing Adventures of Benjamin Kenobi, Space Knight of the Future! is a trailer for the upcoming Revenge of the Sith
— if it had been made as part of one of those old black-and-white
sci-fi serials in the 1950’s. It uses footage from the trailer for
Revenge of the Sith with the colour removed, overlaid with retro trailer graphics, a cheesy
Republic/RKO pictures score and funny 50s-ish reworkings of the characters,
such as :
It’s about 7 MB and in QuickTime format.
(This could get popular, so I’m linking to the file using the YouSendIt
service for now. I’ll set up a torrent later. If you can, please share
this file on your weblog!)
Download area 2
My friends in my old home town, Toronto, won’t find Tampa’s current temperatures cold, but…
Clearly, I missed out by not watching the director’s cut of Jerry Maguire! But seriously —…
One of the guys — and I do mean guys — who’s bound and determined…