It’s happened without fail since this blog got its first mention in
BoingBoing in late 2001: every Good Friday, I get email that goes
something like this:
dude, I heard you were born in the Philippines and thought you might
not know that every Easter, they do an actual re-enactment of the
Crucifixion! Did you know that?
Two such emails appeared in my inbox today. We’re down from last year.
This is like emailing a high-profile employee of Microsoft (say, Scoble) and going “Hey man, did you know that Bill Gates dropped out of school to found your company?”
Clearly, I missed out by not watching the director’s cut of Jerry Maguire! But seriously —…
One of the guys — and I do mean guys — who’s bound and determined…
It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for another “picdump!” Here are 118 memes, pictures, and…
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It's incredible how many things we have in common :) They do a re-enactment of the crucifixion in Mexico City too.
Here's a link with more info.
I _know_ you're aware of it, but I just saw this Flagellation photo-shoot on a friend's website:
He's a German Ex-Pat who lives in.... aw, heck. I forget. Somewhere in the Philippines....