Categories: It Happened to Me

"Sitting on the Dock of the…Hey, Where’d It Go?"

I’m quite happy with the latest version of Mac OS X, code-named

“Tiger”, although I suspect that a lot of the hot new features such as

the new XCode, Core Data and Core Image

are aimed sqaurely at programmers and won’t even indirectly affect

end-users until developers start cranking out application that use

these features.

There is one glitch I’ve noticed: every time I boot up, the Dock seems to forget some

applications that I’ve either dragged to it or marked as “Keep in

Dock”. Has anyone else had this problem?

Joey deVilla

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  • Haven't noticed that, but be warned that uControl (for mapping Enter to fn - easy page up / down) and Carbon Copy Cloner no longer work.

  • Actually I notice a lot of third-party software was broken when I updated. Some have been fixed (DiskWarrior 3.0.3 is finally out) but, overall, this has been the buggiest update of a Mac OS I've experienced.

    10.4.1 was released today and I've yet to see if that fixes anything.

  • I forgot to mention the biggest foul-up with this update -- Entourage.

    Any attachments you sent will be corrupted at the other end. This I find out after assurances from Apple and Microsoft that Office (which includes Entourage) is Tiger compatible. No fix yet and I had to move everything to Mail, which lacks features I grew accustomed to in Entourage.

  • Oh, the folklore, stop, stop!

    DiskWarrior wasn't broken. Alsoft purposely (and smartly) prevents DiskWarrior 3.0.2 and earlier from fixing Tiger disks; they wanted to make sure they handled extended attributes and ACLs properly.

    uControl is no longer needed. Swapping modifier keys is now built in to the Keyboard and Mouse pref pane.

    Carbon Copy Cloner wasn't even needed in Panther. Just open Disk Utility and click the Restore tab.

    Regarding the dock plist: just delete ~/Library/Preferences/, type killall Dock and see if that fixes it.

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