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The Best Laid Plans…

While searching for images of the cantina at Mos Eisley (the bar in Star Wars Episode IV), I stumbled across this scan of People magazine from August 1981 (I was 13 years old then):

Yes kids, for Episodes V (1980) and VI (1983), Yoda was a foam rubber muppet, not computer generated.

As for the “eager for a new life after Luke Skywalker” headline, before

you go feeling sorry for this young Jedi, remember that he had the lead

role in 3 of the top 100 grossing movies of all time. The many Broadway

and animated series and feature roles aren’t anything to sniff at,


(The other big story on the cover — Elvis Presley: Did Col. Parker Rip Him Off? — made me laugh out loud.)

Joey deVilla

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