It Happened to Me

"This Party’s Over!"

In yesterday’s entry, titled I am Mace Windu, I gave away an important plot point about Revenge of the Sith

without providing the customary spoiler warning. A small number of fans

patiently awating the movie’s release have been on me like flies on a bantha, and rightfully so. The oversight has been corrected, and my apologies to the fans.

It Happened to Me

I am Mace Windu [Updated]

[via Logan’s Dave] Here’s a cute little test that determines whether you’re drawn to the Light or Dark side of The Force. My result:

Screen capture: My result from the Force-O-Meter test, which says I am Mace Windu.

I am Mace Windu! The result also reads:

You are a Supreme bad-ass Jedi who resonates with the Force. Yoda is your best mate.

Update: There’s a punchline to this entry, but it’s a spoiler! It appears below…

Hasbeghangryl, ur nyfb trgf fhpxre-fyvprq ol Nanxva Fxljnyxre, va gur zbzrag jura ur fjvgpurf gb gur Qnex Fvqr. Yvxr gurl fnl: Fvgu Unccraf.

It Happened to Me

"Sitting on the Dock of the…Hey, Where’d It Go?"

I’m quite happy with the latest version of Mac OS X, code-named

“Tiger”, although I suspect that a lot of the hot new features such as

the new XCode, Core Data and Core Image

are aimed sqaurely at programmers and won’t even indirectly affect

end-users until developers start cranking out application that use

these features.

There is one glitch I’ve noticed: every time I boot up, the Dock seems to forget some

applications that I’ve either dragged to it or marked as “Keep in

Dock”. Has anyone else had this problem?

Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Kickass Karaoke Tonight

Attention karaoke fiends of Accordion City: there’s a Kickass Karaoke tonight at Ciao Edie (489 College, just west of Bathrust) starting at 9 p.m.!

Here are some scene from the Kickass Karaoke on Sunday, May 8th at The Rivoli…

In the News Music

My Favourite Headline

In the print edition of today’s National Post:

Three Days Until the Sith Hits the Fans

To kick off Star Wars week, here’s Bill Murray’s classic lounge rendition of the Star Wars theme from Saturday Night Live [1.0 MB MP3].

In the News Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Maybe They Should’ve Called It "Dense" (or: "English as She is Wrote")

I wasn’t expecting much in the way of brainpower from the new free alternative paper Dose, but I did

expect them to have a reasonable grasp of the English language. That

grasp is a bit slippery, if the photo below is any indication:

Photo: Excerpt from 'Dose' magazine showing that author does not know the difference between 'throne' and 'thrown'.

From Dose’s Toronto edition, Wednesday, May 11, 2005, page 9.

It reads “PRINCE HARRY MAY be third in line for the thrown…”

(Memo to Dose: Dude, I shouldn’t have to point this out, but the word you’re looking for is “throne“.)

This sort of mistake goes beyond the garden variety “its/it’s” or “there/their/they’rehomophone trouble; we’re in “brain damage from inhaling solvents” territory here.

(Memo to Dose, just in case: A homophone is not a gay communications device.)

It Happened to Me

A Question for the Shareholders

Before I go run out and enjoy this somewhat chilly Friday evening, I

thought I’d make one more entry, and this one goes out to anyone who’s

got shares in Tucows. I don’t know if any of the shareholders — who

were directed here from the Raging Bull site as a result of my Mark Cuban entry — are still reading this blog, but at half a million pageviews a month, there’s always a chance.

In the comments to the “I am Ten Scobles!” entry, I posed some questions but didn’t get any particularly useful answers. I’ll pose the questions again and see what I get.

What would you like to see from Tucows?

  • More active PR concerning our activities?
  • Would

    you like to be directly contacted, say via email if new developments

    arise? Would you want to be notified during the “soft launch” or when

    the launch is made generally public?

  • A more official channel of communications for shareholders to voice their opinions and concerns?
  • All of the above?
  • Something else?

Let me know in the comments (or if you prefer, privately via email at and I’ll pass it along. I happen to be a pretty persuasive guy.