
Free Comic Book Day

Graphic: Free Comic Book Day logo.

Today, Saturday May 7th, 2005, is Free Comic Book Day, the fourth such

annual event in which comic book shops across North America give away

free comic books to anyone who enters their stores.

Since it’s a bright spring day here in Accordion City, I thought I

might do some busking today. I think I’ll also take a peek at the

nearby comic shop, Silver Snail.

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods Music

It’s Busking Season Again!

With the increasingly warm temperatures, sunnier skies and the

certainty that Mother Nature isn’t going to fake us out this time, I’m

looking forward to being able to hit the streets and bang out some

new tunes on the ol’ squeezebox. It’s been far too long since I’ve

played and longer still since I’ve posted a good accordion-related

entry. I’ll have to fix that.

Hopefully the local buskers won’t raise the bar on busking outfits like the artist shown below:

Photo: Acoustic guitarist in field wearing tree costume.

Okay, now we’re taking this “tree-hugger” thing a bit too far. Click the photo to see a larger version.

(Apparently this person is a big indie rock star, but damned if I know who he is.)

In the News Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Follow-up on "A Poke at ‘eye’ With a Sharp Stick"

The letters to the editor page in this week’s eye in response to last week’s editorial (which I wrote about here) are pretty good. My favourites:

Whatever possessed eye’s editorial board to vomit such venom against

the Catholic Church? (“This is not a democracy,” Editorial, Apr. 28.) Is it

now open season on Catholics, or is this the first in a series denigrating the

world’s major religions?

So eye

does not believe in transubstantiation and the assumption of Mary. So

what? What happened to good old-fashioned manners, whereby we respect

the religious beliefs of others rather than pour scorn on them?


then ridicule the Church’s position on human sexuality — in

particular, birth control and condoms. While not defending the Church

on this, I think eye is hardly the credible critic. What is eye’s

contribution to enlightened human sexuality? Take a voyeuristic peep at

your nine pages of so-called adult-only graphic and in-colour girlie

classified ads aiding and abetting prostitution and the degrading of

women as sex objects for sale.

Please spare us any more of your bad manners, chutzpah, irony and hypocrisy!

— G. Lee

In your editorial regarding Catholicism, you left out a fourth option: dissent, stay Catholic and fight for change.

— Christina M. Babcock


the end, I suspect — having been on the editorial board of a student

paper myself (and really, eye is a student paper writ large and backed

by Torstar) — that the eye editorial board will simply let out a

collective self-satisfied huff and go about their merry way, as will

some of those who write in either to support to decry their position.

Based on the comments to my entry on the matter, the intent of the editorial purported by this entry in the eye blog and my eternal

optimism, I hope that it at least got some people thinking about the

role religion plays in some people’s lives.

I’ll leave you with the words of the Dalai Lama from his April 25th, 2004 presentation (I attended, and my notes are here) at SkyDome — er, make that Rogers Centre — here in Accordion City. He talked about his take on the meaning of the word secular:

Not rejection of religion, but respect all religion and respect non-believer.

Peace out, y’all.


Cell Phones are the New Lighters

Mike “M.” Doughty, formerly of Soul Coughing, coiner of the clever phrase “rampant Corganism” and whom Wendy got to

meet recently at a Berkman Center event, asked an audience to hold up

their cell phones while he took some picutres:

Photo: Mike Doughty's photo of his audience holding up their cell phones.

He should’ve tried to get them all to make their phones ring Fur Elise. Click the photo to see Mike Doughty’s blog entry.

There are more photos on his blog.

I wonder if somebody yelled “play Freebird!”

It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Speed Dating Gets Specialized

Chris recently posted this picture taken somewhere in my neighbourhood on a file-sharing site…

Photo: 'Vegetarian Speed Dating' poster.


— the location of the vegetarian speed dating night — is a vegetarian

restaurant on Queen Street West, not far from my house. Speaking as a

happy eater of meat, I like the food there; it’s good enough to change

vegetarian dining from sanctimonious misery to a tasty and satisfying

side-dish-only meal. Fressen is also German for “eat”, or more

specifically, “eat heartily” or “gorge”. Not without some frickin’ meat, bubby.

I once dated a vegetarian and often took her here. In between bites of

their delicious portobello “steak”, I’d tease her — a biology major in

college — by reminding her that evolution would never have happened

without carnivores: “After all, it doesn’t take much brains to sneak up

on a carrot.”


Party Like It’s 1999

Photo: Leela (my favourite partner of Doctor Who's') emerges from the TARDIS.

Being a Time Lord gets you chicks!

Aside from the obvious reason of seeing Wendy, I wish I could go to

Boston this weekend to attend the Time Traveler Convention at MIT

taking place at 8:00 p.m. this Saturday.

Although the convention site makes a reference to a clever line by “Cat” from the webcomic Cat and Girl

Comic: 'Cat' from 'Cat and Girl' saying 'Technically, you would need only one time traveller convention.'

“Technically, you would need only one time traveller convention.” Click the picture to see the whole comic.

…there has already been one. Back in the late eighties, Spy

magazine put out an open invitation to time travellers to meet at their

offices for cocktails. Presumably, no chronal cruisers showed up.

Although I can’t attend — and neither can anyone who hasn’t RSVP’d

yet; the event is booked solid by people from the present — I’d like

to contribute by offering these two time-travel themed MP3s. Enjoy!

  • Doctorin’ the Tardis by The Timelords (who were really The KLF under another name). A proto-mash-up of the Doctor Who theme with Gary Glitter’s Rock and Roll, Part 2. [7.2 MB MP3]
  • Dr. Qui by musical comedian/comedic musician Bill Bailey. In this track Bill performs the Doctor Who

    theme as Serge Gainsbourg would’ve done it. It helps if you know a

    little French and are a little familiar with Serge’s work. [6.6 MB MP3]


The Indian Superman

While looking up some links for the Star Wars Holiday Special

(see these posts), I stumbled across Stomp Tokyo’s review of a terrible

Bollywood rip-off of the Christopher Reeve Superman movie. How could I possibly resist a movie with a review that is best summarized like this?


with the daunting task of bringing a legend to life for the Hindi

film-viewing populace, these actors do their utmost to defile the

source material in every way imaginable. The only way they could have

made it any worse would have been to stuff things down Christopher

Reeves’ breathing tube.


still, they link to a clip from the movie, which is summarized below:


an attempt to let Superman do something in the movie, the scene moves

to an airplane. Both Gita [the “Lois Lane” character] and Mr. Odious [The reviewer’s nickname for the mandatory obnoxious comic relief character] are on it for some reason, so

it is naturally hijacked minutes later. But first, wackiness ensues!

Mr. Odious needs to go to the bathroom, but it’s occupied. Ha! He

stands there for a few minutes, his face in positions of anguish as his

bladder distends. (We think that was anguish — it’s difficult

to separate all of Jagdeep’s [the actor who plays “Mr. Odious”] different facial contortions, since they

mostly resemble what any one of us looks like after a hammer has been

dropped on our foot.) When he is finally released from his watery

torture, he is waylaid by an amorous woman who introduces herself, in

English, as “Ms. Muscle Woman from Zambia.” Hilarious! Kill us!

When the hijacking arrives, it is a great mercy. One of the baddies

punches Mr. Odious! Yay! Mr. Odious falls into Ms. Muscle Woman’s arms

and a full two minutes of “comedy” follows. Boo!

Superman saves the day by dragging the plane to an airfield, as

represented by shots of a transparent airliner superimposed over aerial

shots of Bombay at night, inter-cut with shots of Jor-El casting his

arms about. It must have taken a while to get the plane to the airfield

— by the time they land, Bombay’s nighttime has become mid-afternoon.

Superman then enters the plane, dispenses some poorly edited justice to

the terrorists, and the scene ends abruptly without an encounter

between Superman and Gita. What the –?

Photo: Scene from the Indian 'Superman' movie.

Unlike Spider-Man India, this isn’t an authorized Indian version of a popular American hero.

Photo: Scene from the Indian 'Superman' movie.

A scene in which Superman rescues a hijacked plane. Note

that Superman can’t be seen and the plane is shown at a ridiculous

angle in relation to the background.

Photo: Scene from the Indian 'Superman' movie.

Herve Villechaize taunts Superman: “Welcome to my Kyptonite Kitchen, Man of Steel!”

I downloaded the movie clip and posted it to the temporary download locations listed below. Enjoy!