Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

This Saturday: Librarian / Blogger Cream Corn Wrestling (or: Librarian / Blogger Get-Together in Toronto)

Along with Wendy, who’ll be house-hunting with me, j will be up here in Accordion City

from Boston. j’s here to attend a librarian conference, and the

librarians are looking for something to do on Saturday night. How ’bout

we Greater Toronto Area Bloggers (and general folks in the area) show them a good time, get together for some good drinks, good conversation and cream corn wrestling?

Photo: Librarian and Blogger in cream corn wrestling pit

Librarian-on-blogger cream corn wrestling! W00T!

Okay, maybe not cream corn wrestling — how ’bout we just gather at:

The Bishop and the Belcher

361 Queen Street West

Saturday, June 4, 2005 at 9 p.m.

Be there or be orthorhombic!

3 replies on “This Saturday: Librarian / Blogger Cream Corn Wrestling (or: Librarian / Blogger Get-Together in Toronto)”

I’ll see you guys there for a pint and maybe some nachos (they’re among the best nachos in the city).

Or, as Steve Martin used to say, be there, or be cuboidal.

Librarians, eh?

I don’t suppose any of them are male?

Or, as Steve Martin used to say, be there, or be cuboidal.

Librarians, eh?

I don’t suppose any of them are male?

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