Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Sci-Fi Burlesque!

I’ll be performing a couple of vaudeville numbers at the upcoming Girlesque burlesque show taking place this Friday evening at the Gladstone Hotel (1214 Queen Street West,

at the corner of Queen and Dufferin). This one’s got a theme that

should be pleasing to all you geeks out there: Science Fiction!

Photo: 'Girlesque' poster for the July 8th show.

I did a rehearsal with performers Penny Whistleton, Mysterion the Mind Reader

and The Wolfman, and the songs that Wolfie wrote are spot-on sci-fi and

absolutely hilarious! If you’re seeking out-of-the-ordinary

entertainment, this Friday’s burlesque show (featuring Yours Truly)

might be just what the doctor ordered!

2 replies on “Sci-Fi Burlesque!”

Digital identity schemes have a lot in common with burlesque — both involve a judicious balance of revelation and concealment! Because of this, I don’t consider your comment off-topic.

As for OpenID, I’m currently looking into it for use in various Tucows applications.

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