My thoughts and prayers go out today to the people of London, as well as their family and friends.
My current landlord, Julian, a really stand-up guy, lives in London
with his girlfriend Beth. I’ve sent them some email letting them know
that we the house called “Big Trouble in Little China” are hoping that
he and his are safe and sound.
I’d bet that Tom Reynolds, author of the blog Random Acts of Reality
is going to have long long shifts in the coming days. Not only is he a
really great guy whom I had the pleasure of meeting at my birthday
party in November, he’s also a great storyteller whose crazy urban
tales come from his job as a driver in the London Ambulance Service.
He’s unharmed and has blogged a couple of entries since the bombings in
London. The next couple of days may be rough for him, so if you drop by
his blog, please be sure to leave him some kind words in his comments.