It Happened to Me

Back in Town

Actually, we’ve been back since Tuesday afternoon, but have been taking

it easy. Wendy and I arrived home to find a note from my sister

informing us that she left us some just-heat-it-and-eat-it stuff from

Ma Maison, a great French restaurant around the corner for her place. I

was expecting to order pizza that night, but instead we supped on some

very tasty salmon with shredded carrots and baby bok choy, salad and

apple tarts. Thanks, sis!

Wednesday was really “Wend’s Day”, as I took her about town on a

just-for-her kind of day. We first went to Rol San for dim sum (j,

we’ll have to take you here the next time you’re in town) and then to

Steve’s Music Store to pick out my wedding present to her: an acoustic

guitar. She picked out a lovely dark brown wild cherry solid-top Art

& Lutherie axe and has already learned a couple of chords. After

that, she got her hair cut at W on Queen Street West. She grew her hair

out for the wedding, but the long hair’s been driving her crazy. It’s

now a very cute bob. Finally, we grabbed a turkey/brie/avocado sandwich

at the Drake Hotel Cafe and headed home for guitar practice and to give

our new Playstation 2 game, We ❤ Katamari, a good workout.

It Happened to Me

"Fo’ Shizzle, Mah Rabbizzle!"

I love this shot:

Photo by Ethan Zuckerman. Click it to see the source image.

It Happened to Me

Silent Running

As you’ve probably guessed, the blog’s been silent for the past week

because I’ve been getting ready for my wedding on Saturday. Things are

a little less crazy and I hope to write about what I’ve been up to in

my remaining hours as a free man.

I’ve been in Boston since Monday afternoon, staying with Wendy at her

parents’ place. Her folks are wonderful people and have made me feel

like one of the family (and yes, Mom, I’ve been helping clear the table

after dinner). Earlier this morning, I received a very sweet “on this

momentous occasion in your life” letter from

Mom and Dad.

The earliest of the early birds arrive tonight (Wednesday night); some

of my family from both Manila and Toronto should be in Camrbridge by

tomorrow night (Thursday). The wedding rehearsal will take place on

Friday, followed by a dinner for the wedding party and then a dessert

party to which all the out-of-town guests are invited. The big event, as the countdown

clock in the upper left-hand corner of this web page will show you, is

on Saturday.

I’ll try to squeeze in a quick post whenever I can, but there are no

guarantees. You know how it is with these life-changing ceremonies…


Bill Gates and Napoleon Dynamite: Together at Last!

One always-enjoyable part of a Microsoft conference is the comedy video

spoof that they show near the beginning of one of the major keynote

presentations. This year’s is no exception. From the 2005 Professional Developer’s Conference and by way of Robert McLaws’ FunWithCoding.Net blog, here’s this year’s video, a riff on Napoleon Dynamite, featuring John Heder reprising the title role [download location 1 / download location 2] — 14.2MB Windows Media]. This isn’t taken from the source video — this was shot from a seat at the conference.

Some stills, taken from Robert McLaws’ site:

In the News

Nobody Could Have Foreseen the Need to Take a Potty Break

George Bush at the 2005 World Summit / 60th UN General Assembly

“Uhh, Miss Rice, kihn ah go to th’ bathroom?”

Apparently a real photo — the original is here.

Later, After Having Secured Permission…

“Dang! Which one is th’ fellers’ can?”


Canadian 80’s Flashback

Today’s a bit of a busy day for me, so in lieu of the standard-issue scintillating post, here’s a gift from the 1980’s Canadian Rock archives: Wind Him Up [8.0MB, MP3] by Saga. 

Saga were David Hasselhoff before David Hasselhoff: almost unnoticed in their own home country, a big hit in Germany. Wind Him Up is one of their best known songs and had an unusual topic — gambling addiction.

This one goes is dedicated to good ol’ Will Horne from Science ’91 (where I am listed as “professional eccentric” on the “Where are they now” page), who constantly played Saga on his stereo in our Crazy Go Nuts University residence, Leonard Hall, back in first year.


At Least It Proves That I’m Not Rigging Tucows Products in My Favour

As I mentioned earlier, we at Tucows whipped up the Blogrolling Hot 500 in response to a challenge by Jason “Weblogs, Inc.” Calacanis to create a “top 500 blogs” list to usurp the Technorati Top 100.

Graphic: Blogrolling Hot 500 button.

This blog, The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century, does not appear in this list.

However, I do appear on another “top 500” list that was also cobbled together in response to the Calacanis challenge: Feedster’s Top 500

…in which I appear at number 334 with 1,094 links.