
VB or C++ Contractor — Looking for a Gig?

My friend “Bones” is looking for a VB or C++ developer to do some work

for a client based in the Toronto area. The basicgist of the application that the client wants developed:


client needs a VB or C++ programmer to develop a taskbar

app that accesses DB information over the ‘net and relays it to a Flash

app which acts as the user interface. The Flash app will be

developed separately

but there will obviously be sufficient back-and-forth between you and

the Flash developer so that the development process will happen


I’d take it, but I’m swamped. But maybe you can! Does this sound like your kind of thing? Drop me a line ( and I’ll hook you up.

2 replies on “VB or C++ Contractor — Looking for a Gig?”

DEVs in TO are getting hard to find. I posted openings in C# the other week. I even asked Scoble who gadly reblogged it. I received tons of resumes. None from the GTA.


Perhaps they’re swamped too. Of course, a developer shortage makes it a seller’s market, which leaves us sittin’ pretty.

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