Geek Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Speaking at the CASCON 2005 Conference

I’ll be speaking at the blogging workshop of the CASCON 2005 Conference

which takes place next Wednesday, October 19th from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel and Convention Centre in Richmond Hill.

Here’s the abstract for the workshop:

Many components of pervasive computing are already in place, including

collaborative and communication applications such as instant messaging,

e-mail, text messaging, and conferencing. In addition, mobile devices

are providing ubiquitous computing and communication capabilities.

Improved methods are now needed to support collaboration that goes

beyond explicit authoring, messaging and conferencing. Techniques such

as collaborative filtering (e.g., in book recommendations by Amazon),

social networking (using systems such as Orkut), and blogging, are part

of an emerging domain of social computing. We are interested in the

impact of blogging and related communication and collaboration

activities, and how social aspects such as community building can

enhance the performance of business activities.


workshop will provide a forum for the discussion of issues related to

the development and usability of social computing systems and

applications. Part of the workshop activity will include requirements

analysis for applications of social and pervasive computing. Speakers

from academia and industry will describe their experiences in

researching and deploying social computing applications.

Topics of

interest include: blogs and wikis, semantics, creating and building a

community, e-commerce, and information epidemics. Specifically to

blogs, the workshop will address bottom-up (grassroots, personal,

diary) blogs versus top-down (topic-oriented, corporate sponsored,

political party, etc.) blogs. Other topics to be covered will include

musicblogs, photoblogs, mobile phone blogs (moblogs), and videoblogs.

The syndication and aggregation of blogs using RSS (Really Simple

Syndication) will also be discussed.

…and here’s the abstract for my ten-minute talk…

Businesses have adopted a number of technologies that once

weren’t thought of as essential. The telephone, fax machine,

photocopier,computer, web site and high-speed network all made the leap

from niche gadgets to must-have business equipment. Twenty years ago, a

business without a fax machine would have been considered archaic;

today, abusiness without a presence on the world wide web seems equally


My talk will cover the business applications of blogs and related social

software technologies for companies ranging in size from the solo

entrepreneur to the multinational corporation, based on my

own experience and observing other business blogs. We’ll take a look

at some business blogs that I find interesting, and I’ll tell

some stories of the right and wrong ways for companies to make use of

the power of blogs.

Presenting along with me will be:

  • Dr. Ian Graham, Enterprise IT Strategy, BMO Financial Group
  • Alvin Chin, U of T and workshop co-chair
  • Veronica Holmes, Bell Canada

Admission to the conference is free. If you’re interested, visit the registration page today!

You may want to check out these links:

My thanks to Alvin “GadgetMan” Chin and Sascha Chua for organizing the event, inviting me to participate and putting up with my general non-availablity last month!

2 replies on “Speaking at the CASCON 2005 Conference”

I’d encourage all who are in the area to come and participate. And visit the CASCON blog.

Hope to see you there!


aka GadgetMan, CASCONMan

CASCON Business of Blogging workshop co-chair

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