Categories: It Happened to Me

Yom Kippur Tidings

We’re smack dab in the middle of Yom Kippur,

which started last night at sundown and runs until sundown tonight.

It’s the most important holiday of the Jewish calendar, analogous to Easter in the Christian tradition (you might think it’s Christmas, but technically it’s not) or XBox 360 Day

if your religion is videogames. It’s the day of atonement for sins

between yourself and God — you’re supposed to have made up for sins

committed against other people prior to this day.

[Memo to former roomate who still owes me thousands of dollars: hint, hint.]

Another traditional act carried out on Yom Kippur is fasting. In

solidarity with Wendy. who’s not fasting completely, but eating as

little as possible, I’m going to see how little food I can get by with

today. Come sundown, we’re going to “break fast” with High Park’s other

Asian guy/Jewish girl couple, Herb and Jessie and dive into a nice

dinner followed by a tray full of Wendy’s butterscotch brownies.

Since Yom Kippur is technically a sabbath and since I’m showing

solidarity with Wendy, I really should not be working today. Perhaps

I’ll just be completely non-productive today and just BitTorrent some Battlestar Galactica episodes…

[realizes that the boss, CEO and shareholders read the blog]

…er, ah, I mean work like a superstar and maximize shareholder ROI.

Joey deVilla

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