Okay, perhaps this isn’t the Chick tract parody that Cory Doctorow and the EFF would produce, but DRM Will Ruin Your Life and Kill Your Dog [133K GIF image; some swear words] is pretty amusing…
Accept copyfighting into your heart and you shall be saved! Click the image to read the whole comic.
[P.S. In case you’re not hip to the lingo, “DRM” is short for “Digital Rights Management“.]
Another Sunday, another “picdump!” Here are 200+ memes, pictures, and cartoons floating around the internet…
A Swedish TV program labelled Vladimir Putin as “President USA.” My thoughts on this:
[ The original version of this article is incorrect, so I’m substituting its content with…
A reminder: kakistocracy means “a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent…
Le Figaro, a daily newspaper in France that’s been around since 1826, has published an…
Another Sunday, another “picdump!” Here are 200+ memes, pictures, and cartoons floating around the internet…
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Digital Restriction Management, please.