
Unlikely Graphics

[Slightly repurposed from this posting on The Farm]

The three images shown below are used as the banner graphics on the web

page for a product launch that took place yesterday. Can you guess what

the product is?

Photo: Woman lying on her stomach, smiling at computer.

Perhaps it’s a new line of clothes? New bookstore? Perhaps something from Bed Bath and Beyond?

Photo: Happy man, pumping his fist in the air.

New sports magazine? New place to buy music?

Photo: Happy couple embracing.

Financial planning? Male enhancement pills?

Would you believe they’re for the 2005 edition of Microsoft’s programming tools, Visual Studio Express? That’s right, they’re images used in the promotion of programming tools

— the “lite” versions of their database, SQL Server, and integrated

developments environments for C#, C++, Java and Visual Basic.

While Microsoft is to be commended for not feeding the geek stereotype, I find these images to be a bit…unlikely.

I decided to have a little fun adding word bubbles to these pics…

* Note to Tucows shareholders, the human resources

department and my wife: this sort of thing does not actually happen.

Except for the ops plan; that’s real.

2 replies on “Unlikely Graphics”


I know you post is all in fun but in reality, it is not funny at all. Microsoft could cut deeply into the portential customer base of Tucows, and certainly, after the bad 3rd quarter earning’s report yesterday, the sell off of TCX is partly due to the Microsoft announcement of entering your turf. It is adding to the stock woes of Tucows.

I hope it ends up a laughing matter but right now, this is a very serious concern.

Boss Ross sounds like a great guy to work for. Reacharounds for a good ops plan writeup. Wonder what you get for a successful product launch…

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