Books get you chicks!
This painting is Jean-Francois de Troy’s Reading from Moliere. Don’t
ever say you never learned nuthin’ from reading this weblog.
Once a year, Canadian Manda Group, Canadian sales and marketing reps for 20 national and international publishers,
put on a sale where you can buy books at 50% off the suggested U.S.
retail price in Canadian Snow Pesos. For example, a book with a suggested US retail price of $10.00 in the US will sell for $5 Canadian.
That sales takes place for three days this week:
When: Wednesday, November 23rd through Friday, November 25th, 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: 165 Dufferin Street (south of King)
The poster for the sale boasts a variety of “calendars, art, gardening,
photography, sports, history, kids, fiction, travel, crafts, gift
products and much more!” I’ve been to this sale for the past couple of
years and have always emerged with Christmas presents for my more
book-oriented friends and family.
Maybe the real fraud was the fraud that DOGE made up along the way…
Some notes about the screen capture above, which I took from Facebook Marketplace... Tampa Bay…
Another Sunday, another “picdump!” Here are 200+ memes, pictures, and cartoons floating around the internet…
Kakis-what? Kakistocracy, meaning a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.…
Even uber-Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says they’re not welcome, but the Tampa Bay Young…
For context, see this article: U.S. votes against a U.N. resolution urging Russia's withdrawal from…