This one has been languishing in the “oh yeah, I should blog this” file and it’s about time I posted it.
I’ve mentioned the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School
before. My ties with it are many: it’s where Wendy worked, I met Wendy
at a conference organized by Berkman, Wendy’s former boss John Palfrey and my boss’ boss Elliot Noss know each other and each holds the other in high esteem, and I know a number of people there.
Global Voices is a project/blog founded by a couple of people I know: Ethan Zuckerman (whose wife, Rachel Barenblat, conducted our wedding ceremony) and Rebecca MacKinnon.
It’s a citizens’ media project that spotlights blog entries from
outside North America and Western Europe, providing news, perspectives
and stories that we’d otherwise miss. A team of editors keeps an eye on
the blogosphere, each covering a specific region (Middle east, Africa,
South Asia, East Asia, Americas and Eastern Europe) and distilling the
most notable blog entries. If you want to see the greater blogosphere,
Global Voices is a good starting point.
I also know Lisa Goldman by way of her sister, Deenster.
Aside from being a perfectly charming dim sum lunch companion, Lisa is
also an engaging writer who lives in Tel Aviv and blogs about life and
“the current situation” over there in her blog, On The Face (here’s the explanation behind her blog’s name).
Here’s where both Global Voices and Lisa meet: Lisa’s been invited to represent the Israeli blogsphere on Global Voices Online!
She’ll be doing a roundup of the most notable Israeli blogs of the week
and posting her summary on Global Voices every Saturday.
Congratulations, Lisa, and thanks for the weekend reading material!
3 replies on “Lisa Joins Global Voices”
Joey darling, thanks so much for this sweet welcome to GVO. I’m totally loving the experience of being part of this global online community, and am looking forward to attending the GVO conference in London on December 10.
And after London, I’ll be continuing on to Toronto. So start planning for a massive dim sum fest, ’cause I’m nursing the kind of craving that only Jews and Asians can truly understand.
I get to meet Wendy! At last!
Lisa, that’s so exciting! The only thing that would make it better is if I were still working at Berkman and could go to the conference too. But you will meet so many lovely people there. Can’t wait to hear about it.
Thanks for highlighting Global Voices in your blog. I added it to my RSS reader. I have read so many interesting articles and found great blogs from it.