Categories: It Happened to Me

Happy American Thanksgiving!

One of the best things about being a Filipino-Canadian

Catholic/American Jewish couple is that there’s little or no overlap

between our holidays. Each set of parents gets to see us for their

respective holidays, and Wendy and I each get some bonus celebrations,

such as an extra Thanksgiving. Wendy got her bonus Thanksgiving last

month, and this month, I get mine.

We arrived at Logan yesterday, where Wendy’s parents came to pick us up. We had dinner over at Uncle Pete’s Hickory Ribs, a great barbecue house in Revere.

We started with some shared chips with mango salsa, after which I had a

nice big platter with Texas beef ribs, pulled pork, Asian slaw (cole

slaw with a thai-style peanut dressing) and baked beans, washed down

with an ice-cold Sam Adams. If you’re ever in the area and feeling

carnivorous, make sure you visit Uncle Pete’s.

I’ve just finished making the Baby Atkins cry over at Wendy’s parents’

place. We had homemade coffee cake for breakfast and pan-friend shrimp

with artichoke dip and pita chips prepared by Wendy’s brother and his

girlfriend for a snack. Later that afternoon, we had an excellent

turkey dinner, complete with cranberry jelly, mashed potatoes, squash

and pumpkin and applesauce breads. We also had a large selection of

desserts. There was pecan pie, caramel squares, Wendy’s butterscotch

chip oatmeal cookies, and one Wendy’s mom made just for me (since I

love chocolate): toll house cookie pie. I have the best mother-in-law ever!

Dinner was followed by general immobility and a couple of games of

Scrabble. Wendy and her family, being an erudite and well-read bunch,

are worthy comptetitors.

It’s been exactly two months since our wedding, so I am most thankful

for Wendy. Gentlemen, if you find a woman who will tolerate a mild

videogaming addiction and even buy you a PlayStation for Christmas and

the Warriors game for your birthday, and even watch you loot and shoot your way through Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, propose marriage immediately.

I am also thankful for Wendy’s family, who welcomed me with open


from the moment I met them. They are wonderful people whom I am pleased

and proud to have them as part of my (increasingly international)

family. I am reminded of

the dedication in Cory Doctorow’s latest book, Someone Comes to Town,

Someone Leaves Town:

For the family I was born into and the family I chose. I got lucky both times.

To my American friends, family and readers: have a happy Thanksgiving!

Joey deVilla

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  • That's great Joey to hear. You're certainly very blessed with Wendy and her family. You certainly have many things to be thankful for.

    I'm very happy for you!

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