[via Superfrankenstein] The mash-up the world’s been waiting for — Family Circus comics with captions taken from H.P. Lovecraft!
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Very clever and amusing.
FWIW: This was originally posted to the LJ community namelessdread, but was deleted when it got popular. robyn_ma wrote:
"namelessdread, c'est fini. Y'know, I did it to amuse myself and the few people on my friends list who dug the humor and added themselves to the community. I didn't want a fuckload of eyes on it, I don't need to be worrying about lawyers coming after me, and I myself was not the fucking thing's biggest fan in the first place. You take a cartoon and you stick someone else's words under it big deal. Not what I really wish to put energy into, become notorious for, or catch legal bullets for. So: gone."
As discussed in my LJ in May 2005.
-- jwz
I like it better with random cutouts from the finance section.
This is fine, also.
Family Circus is always good modifying fun.
These suck. How pseudo-intellectual!! How avante-garde!! (How un-funny!!)
Consider the source material. Family Circus is'nt exactly the most 'intellectual' comic you'll read. I think the creator nailed the feeling of a Family Circus cartoon about Cthulhu perfectly.
And it's gone. 404's.
Just a heads up.
Not to worry. I made copies, and the links now take you to them.
Always good to hear from the world's coolest club-owner!
As for the Cthulhu comics: May 2005? I'm always late to the party.
Reminds me of "The Dysfunctional Family Circus" from a few years back...