It’s rather odd that Eight Crazy Nights, Adam Sandler’s animated film about Chanukah, has been translated into the languages of two out of three Axis powers, but it shows how far the world has come in sixty years. Well, that and the fact that the biggest Axis fans probably live in Montana and Saudi Arabia now.
I hear that the film isn’t terribly good, but being good isn’t necessarily what gets a work dubbed into other languages: I believe that Baywatch is still the number syndicated show worldwide.
More than one version of The Chanukah Song exists, each with a new set of celebrities who are at least part Jewish. Part III was written for the movie, but I unfortunately don’t have it. What I do have and now pass on to you is The Chanukah Song Part II [3.7MB, MP3]. Here are its lyrics (which I found online and fixed for bad spelling and ee cummings damage)…
The Chanukah Song Part II
Put on your yarmulke
Its time for Chanukah
So much fun-akah
To celebrate ChanukahChanukah is the festival of lights
Instead of one day of presents
We get eight crazy nights
When you feel like the only kid in town
Without a Christmas tree
Here’s a new list of people who are Jewish
Just like you and me
Drinks Manischewitz wine
Then spins a dreidel with Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein
Guess who gives and receives
Loads of Chanukah toys
The girls from Veruca Salt and all three Beastie Boys
Lenny Kravitz is half Jewish,
Courtney Love is half too
Put them together
What a funky bad ass Jew
We got Harvey Keitel
And Flashdance-r Jennifer Beals
Yasmine Bleeth from Baywatch is Jewish
And yes her boobs are real
Put on that yarmulke
Its time for Chanukah
2 time Ocsar winning Dustin Hoffman-akah
celebrates Chanukah
Still not a Jew
The guy who does the voice for Scooby-Doo
Bob Dylan was born a Jew
Then he wasn’t
Mary Tyler Moore’s husband is Jewish
‘Cause we’re pretty good in the sack.
Guess who got bar-mitzvahed
On the PGA tour
No I’m not talking about Tiger Woods
I’m talkin’ about Mr. Happy Gilmore.
So many Jews are in the show biz
Bruce Springsteen isn’t Jewish
But my mother thinks he is.
Tell the world-amanaka
It’s time to celebrate Chanukah
It’s not pronounced Chah-nakah
The C is silent in Chanukah
So read your Hooked on Phonic-kah
Get drunk in Tijuana-kah
If you really really wanna-kah
Have a happy happy happy happy Chanukah!
One reply on “Chanukah, Night Four: The Chanukah Song, Part II”
Chanukah, Part II, incorrectly labels Jennifer Beals as Jewish. She had an African-American father (deceased) and has an Irish-American mother.
Chanukah, Part III, can be found on this website: