In the News It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

A Taste of the All-Candidates Meeting

Earlier this evening, I attended the all-candidates meeting for my

riding, Parkdale-High Park. The photo below was taken about five

minutes before the meeting started and with people still piling in. The

seats were filled soon shortly thereafter, and it became a “standing

room only” event.

I took notes, but it’ll take a little while to transcribe them. I took

some video of the copyright/beholden-to-big-content questions aimed at

Sam Bulte, and wow, did she get testy. She even mentioned Michael Geist

and the Electronic frontier Foundation by name, in that “they’re part

of my personal demonology” tone of voice. I’ll post it as soon as I can.

3 replies on “A Taste of the All-Candidates Meeting”

as found on livejournal.

“The Liberal MP for Parkdale is having a fundraiser at the Drake Hotel for a group of music industry (etc.) leaders on January 19, next Thursday. The Drake is located at 1150 Queen St. W.

There’s been talk of holding some kind of protest and I’m all for it.

Here’s the gig:

We all dress up as pirates and we mass in front of the Drake, neither obstructing the business of the establishment or the patrons. There are no intelligible responses beyond YAARRRRR, ARRRR, etc. ‘cos we’re making a visual statement, not great copy.

Here’s an article with more details.

If you’re up for it, let me know. We have a week to get it together. You can respond here or e-mail me at”

and, in unrelated news, kickass this sunday.



Sam’s first two attempts to defend the contributions were lame, “All my donations are transparent”. But she caught my attention with the third strategy. [Paraphrasing] “There were only 5 people from the industry who bought tickets…. The tickets were available to anyone”.

Quite frankly I’ve given donations to candidates (but not Bulte), and I liked the fact that I didn’t have to go through a back ground check to do so.

Did these 5 people simply identify themselves using only their names?

It’s a moot point for me. Bill C-60’s broadly protects TPMs and she said she

would not be beholden to the interests of the EFF… which last time I checked, represents what people want.

PS: I’m the guy in the blue shirt with the red cup. Thanks for taking my pic, and welcome back to the neighbourhood.

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