The Globe and Mail on Bulte and the Blogosphere

Today’s edition of The Globe and Mail has a story in the Globe technology section about the recent brouhaha over Sam Bulte in the world of blogs. Here’s a very apt excerpt:

But the copyright fundraising flap shows off the Web’s best potential. It gave experts a platform for non-partisan arguments, backed up by primary sources (you can go read Bulte’s reports, draft legislation, and even party invites on-line). It was almost entirely bereft of ad-hominem sleaze. It opened up lines of communication with the mainstream press, and not just to bash it. It advanced an idea, not just an agenda.

The Web, as the writer Nicholas G. Carr has observed, is amoral. The blogging phenomenon isn’t necessarily a force for social progress — or regress, either. One can hope against hope that, as the Web matures, this informed kind of action might become more the rule and less the exception.

Joey deVilla

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  • I'd rather be immoral than amoral. And maybe immortal too. Although I'll probably have to bump up my RRSP. Maybe that's where the immoral comes in.

    --Ice Queen

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