Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

barcamp Toronto "democamp" Meeting Tomorrow Night!

This was also posted in Tucows Developer.

Tomorrow marks another session

of the Toronto branch of barcamp’s


— a gathering of the Toronto software and web development community’s

bright lights in which we meet up to demonstrate our ‘wares, ask

questions, learn and go out for dinner and drinks


The gathering will take place tomorrow,

January 24th, at Radiant

Core, located in Liberty Village (the area just southeast of


and Dufferin) at 171

East Liberty Street, Suite 253. The demo session will run

from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., after which we’ll run out for food and


I’ll be there, and if you’d like to attend

as well, sign up on the wiki page for the Tuesday,

January 24th democamp. See you there!

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