
ESRI/Bell Mobility Location-Based Services Seminar Next Week — Reschedule for the Afternoon! [Update]

Updated! The seminar’s been moved to the afternoon

(yaaaaay!). Read on for an explanation.

This was

also posted to Tucows


Why ESRI and Bell Canada decided to hold a

developer seminar at 7:30 in the morning is a

mystery to me, but location-based services for cellphones (for example,

using your cellphone to locate the nearest coffee shop or liquor store)

is a contender to be an important technology, so I’ve got to


The seminar


details in this entry) takes place on Tuesday, January 31st

and is out in Mississauga. I just got some email saying that the

seminar’s been moved to the


Thank you for your interest in

LBS (Location Based Services) Developer Day, January 31st. We have had

an overwhelming response to this joint Bell Mobility and ESRI Canada

event and have had to reschedule this meeting for the afternoon. As

Bell Mobility Headquarters is a secure site, attendee names must be

registered with Bell in advance of the event so on the day your secure

name tag will be available. Please RSVP by return mail that you are

coming. Unfortunately there cannot be any walk-ins on the day of the


Registration will start at 12:30

noon for 1:30 pm start.  The event will end at 5:00 pm. Light

refreshments will be


If you still

need a lift, let me know in the comments or drop me a


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