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Battle(star) of the Sexes, Part 1

New comic series typically take months before they produce a strip that makes you sit up, take notice and say “hey, that’s interesting”, and that goes double for webcomics. So when I discovered that the Home on the Strange strip shown below is only the fourth one in the series, I was completely surprised. The first four panels appear below; click the image to read the whole thing…

More later…

Joey deVilla

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  • For giving geeks too little credit when it comes to getting laid. I say nay.

    But otherwise funny and true.

  • Bits and pieces of accuracy, but way too smug for real truth. Plus, BSG is hardly the target for that kind of cheap shot (I'd be fascinated to hear how President Roslyn's Messiah complex is vagina-related). The other SF shows that people have actually watched recently, Firefly and Buffy, also crappy targets. Probably there's *something* in the bowels of the Sci Fi Channel that fits Ferrett's rant, though.

    To my mind, the annoying bad-writing female-in-pop-culture cliche that ought to be taken down a peg is the Lara Croft super-commando-with-implants thing. Now *that's* a target if you want to complain about cardboard female characters.

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