
San Francisco Meetup TONIGHT!

I’ve set this post to appear

right about the time our plane takes off for San Francisco. For those

of you who’ll be in the San Francisco area tonight, Boss Ross, my wife Wendy and I will be

holding a dinner meetup at 21st Amendment (563

2nd Street) at 7 p.m.. It’s an open invitation to come hang

out with us — anyone can come!

February is “Strong

Beer Month” at 21st Amendment, where they’ll be featuring these beers,

all of which boast 8.5% alcohol by volume or


  • Golden Doom Belgian


  • Double Trouble Imperial


  • Mac’s Strong Scotch


  • Lower De Boom Barley


  • Hendrik’s Russian Imperial Espresso


Yes, we know that it’s probably insane to

schedule such a gathering timed for right about when the Superbowl will

end, but it was the only day we could hold it. We hope you can make it


On Monday and Tuesday, Ross and I will be at

the Evans Data

Corporation’s Developer Relations Conference, where we’ll be

learning the tricks of the trade of evangelizing to developers. This

will be only the second year that this conference has been held, and it

promises to be interesting. I’ll be taking copious notes and blogging

the event — watch this space for details.

2 replies on “San Francisco Meetup TONIGHT!”

You go to San Fran the piler capital of the world and you don’t call for a pile-up?

For shame AccordionGuy!

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