This year, Tucows will be hosting a series of “Ask Tucows” IRC chats
in which I and a number of Tucows employees will be available to answer
questions, take comments and suggestions and generally talk about
Tucows. The first such chat will take place on Thursday, March 23rd at 1:00 p.m. EST (10:00 a.m. Pacific / 6:00 p.m. UTC).
my position is largely concerned with developer relations, questions
about developing on the Tucows platform are the type I’ll best be able
to answer. That being said, I’m sure that my boss, Ross Rader, Director
of Research and Innovation will be joining me, and he’ll be able to
cover a good number of questions I can’t. I plan to gather a number of
other Tucows folks to join in order to get a representative group with
whom you can chat.
Here are the technical details of the “Ask Tucows” chat:
Watch this space for more details about the chat, and if you’re not familiar with online chat via IRC, I’ll also post a “how-to” article.
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Feel free to crib all or part of the Berkman IRC how-to if you don't feel like reinventing wheels :)