I’d like to dedicate this recipe to my friend Wil McLean, who has this morbid fascination with making contigency plans for the rather unlikely event that he ends up in prison. Word of advice, Wil: forget the plans — with your boyish good looks, I’d give it fifteen minutes max before the inmates churned your rump like butter. Better by far not to do the crime, cause you can’t do the time.
[The graphic comes from Workhorse Visuals.]
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Bleah. I am officially "scared straight" now.
I just can't wait to make some home brew.
I'm very excited.
Thank you for the article on prison wine. Being an alcoholic, people watch me closely around liquor stores and corkscrews- so I just wanted to tell you that I was able to use these articles and this recipe to make some grade A hooch. There's no stopping me now! It wasn't easy but I set my mind to it and low and behold!