DemoCamp 4 will take place tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. at the MaRS Centre, (101 College Street, southwest corner of College and University, right by Queen’s Park subway station).

This one promises to be the biggest one yet — according to the sign-up sheet, 120 people have signed up to attend. Luckily, the MaRS facilities can easily accomodate a crowd of this size. If you’re looking to see who the bright lights in the Toronto software development communuity are — programmers, artists, idea people, marketers, investors and technophiles — you really should attend this event!

This month’s demonstrations will be:

  • Semacode: A system for ubiquitous computing that mixes the online world with the real world by integrating cell phones, bar codes and URLs into a system that lets you “tag the world”.
  • Disposable Digital Cameras: A demonstration of how some of the really cheap disposable digital cameras available in the US can be turned into reusable cameras, and some of the details and challenges associated with the conversion.
  • Visual Search: Idee’s search technology that find pictures based on a sample picture you provide as a “search term”.
  • Outmailer
  • tagEngine

Each demonstration will be ten minutes long, and no PowerPoint is allowed. We want to see applications in action, not slideshows!

Joey deVilla

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