It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

GTABloggers Gathering Tonight at Pauper’s Pub!

GTABloggers logoImmediately after my appearance on MTV Live, I’m going to go to the Greater Toronto Area Bloggers’ Get-Together, which starts tonight at 7 p.m. on the second floor of Paupers Pub (539 Bloor Street West, about a block east of Bathurst).

There’ll be a special guest tonight: Matt “Photomatt” Mullenweg, founder of WordPress, who’s here in Accordion City for the iSummit 2006 conference.

This’ll be the first official GTABloggers gathering in a while, and I’m looking forward to having some drinks and convo with my fellow local bloggers. If you can make it, c’mon down! We’ll be the table with the accordion.

3 replies on “GTABloggers Gathering Tonight at Pauper’s Pub!”

hello , i am french and

i really really like the atmosphear of this blog

i come here oftenly ! and i just want to say that

i like your space !

but i am also here to promote my web ! i do Digital Art Design !

i hope you will come to visit me 🙂 X X X

take care

bellxone, bordeaux, FRANCE, Europe, HUMANITY


damn! the one night its at a place near my apartment and i’m going away for the weekend. doh!

Crap, I wish you’d have posted this earlier… I would have gone! I’m into it.

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