It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Last Night’s Rails Pub Night

Another sign of Accordion City’s evolution into the next big high-tech centre: the turnout at last night’s Rails Pub Night, a monthly gathering of developers who use Ruby on Rails. From my count, we had 39 people at peak, not to mention 14 squishy cows and one accordion. There was the usual tech banter, but the conversation strayed into all sorts of non-tech areas and The Rhino (the pub where the event took place) was kind enough to let me get away with playing a couple of accordion numbers.

My favourite moment of the night: when I pulled out the accordion and Austin Zielger shouted: “Wait — you’re that Joey deVilla!”

I shot only a couple of photos, and here they are:

The room at peak. Lots of chatter and milling about.

Left to right: Sasha, Samir, Martin and Leigh grab a bite to eat.

Local Nerd Supermodels: yours truly and David Crow. We can’t let David “Pretty Boy” Hansson hog all the glamour shots, can we?

The Brain Trust Shot. Pete Forde (who got Rails Pub Night started) and David Crow (who got Accordion City’s BarCamp and DemoCamp started).

2 replies on “Last Night’s Rails Pub Night”

Nice post. It’s good to see that the Ruby and Rails community is really taking off.

-Austin Ziegler

Awesome meeting you at the RoR pub night! =) Finally got to hear The Accordion… ^_^

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