Tara Responds

Tara Hunt responds to my two articles on the name “Pinko Marketing” in the comments, and I respond to her response. Tara’s a friend and the dicussion was civilized, so you’re not going to get any Jerry Springer kicks here. What you will get is each of us explaining our rationales.

Zack Exley Responds

An anonymous commenter — who could be Zack Exley (whom I wrote about in my second post about Pinko Marketing) — writes:

You’re totally misquoting me. I said our online campaign was well run, but that the Dem *field* campaign was generally a mess.

That quote is from my notes, which I typed directly into my computer and formatted for this blog entry.

I’m going to go check out the blogs of other folks who attended that session, but for now, my statements stand. Zack, if that’s you, I’ll be happy to give you rebuttal space here on this blog — email me at joey@joeydevilla.com. If any of you attended the Internet + Society conference in 2004, can you corroborate either Zack’s or my account of what was said at that session?

Joey deVilla

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