In case you hadn’t heard, let me give you the cut-and-paste of the big story in Accordion City this weekend:

In the largest anti-terrorism operation ever undertaken in Canada, more than 400 police officers conducted a series of raids in southern Ontario on June 2-3, 2006, and arrested 17 suspects.

Police arrested the group for buying ammonium nitrate, which becomes an explosive when mixed with fuel. The men had bought triple the amount used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, which killed 168 people, and allegedly planned to bomb the Toronto Stock Exchange and Ottawa’s Parliament buildings, according to newspaper reports.

Ten of the 12 adults arrested were from Toronto or its suburbs, and the others were from Kingston, Ontario. There also were five youths arrested. A bail hearing will be held tomorrow in a Toronto-area court, the Toronto Star said.

The accused were “inspired” by Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist network, police have said. They have no known connection to the U.S. or to al-Qaeda, and are charged with crimes including contributing to the activity of a terrorist group and making property available for terrorist purposes.

I expect that this will be a hot topic of discussion for the next little while (this blog included), so I thought I’d present you with some links I quickly dug up on the story:

I’d write what I think, but I’d like a little more time to digest — that, and the interesting changes at work (about which I’ll write too) are keeping me busy.

Got something to say? Let yourself be heard in the comments!

Joey deVilla

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