It Happened to Me

I Probably Owe You an Email, Phone Call or a Visit

If you are one of my friends, acquaintances or business associates, I probably owe you an email, phone call or visit. Things have been rather busy both at work and at home, but rest assured, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

In the meantime, I ask for your patience and promise not to keep you waiting like the good captain below:

Click the photo above to see the synopsis for this Star Trek episode.

3 replies on “I Probably Owe You an Email, Phone Call or a Visit”


You might owe me one.

I wanted to let you know I’m selling/giving away more stuff…

… but more importantly.

Is it just me not-being-around-the-ladies-while-I-renovate-my-damn-house or is Captain Kirk not holding a phallus?

Oh, dear gawd!

Please tell me I haven’t become Shatner fixated…


hi! you don’t owe me anything, but i just attended the weekly meeting of the Thursday Meetings at Berkman group, and several people told me that i should get in touch with you when they found out i’m filipino and that i’ll be spending a few years in toronto. i hope we can eventually meet offline =)

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