
Book Title of the Day

One of my friends from Crazy Go Nuts University, Stacy Dillon, is now a teacher in New York City and does book reviews on her blog, Booktopia. She’s recently started a new blog in which she reviews books for the tween set (that’s ages 9 through 12) called Welcome to My Tweendom.

One of the books she recently reviewed had a title that made me laugh out loud: You are SO not Invited to my Bat Mitzvah!

(I see an opportunity to rip off this title and write books like You are SO not Going on my Blogroll or You are SO not Getting in on My IPO.)

Maybe I’ll buy it for Wendy for some airport reading. We’re booked for at least three flights in the next six months.

One reply on “Book Title of the Day”

Thanks for the nod, Joey! That book came out last year and our hs librarian (also jewish) thought it was quite the title too. She highlighted it on her “Clean Reads” presentation last september.

Glad to make you smile!

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