Yesterday, I got some email about something called the Canadian Tech Mob, a grassroots movement to raise the profile of Canada’s presence in the tech sector. The first step they took was to form a webring, to which I added my personal blog, The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century and my professional blog, Tucows Farm. As their site implores, “if you are a blogger, entrepreneur, VC, or other member of the Canadian Tech ecosystem, we hope you will join with us to support the “spilling” of the secret of the Great White North . Let’s show the world what Canada is made of!” As one of the team who helps out with the DemoCamp effort and other initiatives to boost our local tech scene, I’m more than happy to support this effort.
If you’re a techie with a blog, why not join their webring? You can join by clicking here.
I’ll do one better than simply join the webring: I’ll provide a nice attention-grabbing graphic — a remix of the first issue of Marvel Comics’ premier Canadian superhero team, Alpha Flight!
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Looks like submissions are temporarily suspended (as of 8:06am on the 11th of July). It's not much of a webring or representation of the Canadian tech community with only seven members :) Any idea what happened Joey?
I'll drop Sean and Reg a line and ask them what happened.
I got the email too but told them that I am not a good candidate for the webring, since I am no techie (basically know nothing about the tech sector).
Joey: Nice Graphic!
Jay: All fixed now. Minor technical difficulties...
There are only a handful of members as the domain has only existed for less than 24 hours. Let's spread the word!
Maria: Your love of chicken wings is close enough. Join the Mob!
ok, now that is just too funny.
So come one, come all, join the Mob!!
PS don't forget you can grab the filmloop at and then you can add your logo to the slidedeck, that will then get pushed aka photocasted out to everyone who has downloaded the filmloop. This is a great way to add your logo to the reel, so feel free to.