
Is "Sinfest" Making a Comeback?

One of the more popular webcomics when it first came out was Tatsuya Ichida’s Sinfest. Here’s the first comic, which was published on January 17th, 2000 (strangely enough, my first day at OpenCola, which was the first time I’d ever worked in the dot-com world):

Sinfest’s primary themes were hip-hop culture, “lad mag” culture, Japanese culture, dating, the differences between cats and dogs and religion. The comic often mashed some of these themes together; such as with the “Blaxploitation Funk Bible” comic:

For years, a new Sinfest was published nearly every day, but lately, Tatsuya hasn’t posted as often. In fact, not a single comic was published during February 2006, which led me (and many others) to believe that he’d stopped doing the comic.

However, I saw a posting about a new Sinfest comic today: a full-colour large-format comic, just like the Sunday funnies in the newspapers! Here it is:

After reading it, I checked Sinfest’s archives and found that while updates have been sporadic, the comic is still ongoing. Here’s to hoping that we’ll see a few more Sinfests yet.

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